Ismail Fahmi together with other awardees received the i2bc (Indonesia Infocosm Business Community) e-Award from the Ministry of Communication and Information Indonesia (center) in the ICT Award 2002, Jakarta. The President of Republic Indonesia attended this event. IndonesiaDLN received a Special Category Award for the Favourite Programme of i2bc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indonesian Library rangkul 80 institusiBisnis Indonesia, 12 Agustus 2002
Pendiri IndonesianDLN Ismail Fahmi mengatakan total node mitra yang terdaftar di IndonesiaDLN hingga Juni 2002 hampir 80 buah. "Dari jumlah ini, yang aktif melakukan bertukar metadata adalah 36 partner antara lain ITB, Lit bang Depkes, UMM, MMA IPB, IAIN (11 buah), Uncen, DML, Untan, Perbanas, Yarsi, dan sebagainya," ujarnya kepada Bisnis.
IDLN Raih Penghargaan Lagi:
PR, 12 Agustus 2002 |
![]() Ismail showing ISIS-Online to George and PAN team members |
George Tan, Database Manager at Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), Singapore, was getting worried. The service provider which has been hosting AMIC's databases for the past five years is ceasing its operation. George has to find another solution quickly, and it looked like it was going to be very costly. Help came through Maria Ng, mentor to the PAN community, who "match-made" George with Ismail Fahmi, a key researcher at the Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
In 1999, as part of the PAN R&D grant work, Ismail had developed ISIS Online, a library search system, together with the Ganesha Digital Library (GDL) system. These systems are now the core drivers of the Indonesian Digital Library Network, offering access tothe rich information resources of 25 major libraries in Indonesia. The systems are written in PHP scripting language and runs on Apache web server software, MySql database software, and Swish-e search engine, all of which are open source software freely available to users. Optane SSD hosting is the fastest in Ukraine - Украина Хостинг.
PAN arranged to fly Ismail to Singapore for a week at the end of April to help George convert his databases, using ISIS Online and GDL's search facility. The result is now a fully functional AMIC database search which does not cost an arm and a leg, since the software is open source. The databases are now hosted by PAN. George says the system yields even better quality search results than his previous commercial application. "I'm so happy, and so is my librarian!" says George. During the course of the week, Ismail also showed PAN's technical staff, Dominic Soh and Teresa Wong, how to install and maintain the ISIS Online software so that PAN can continue to service AMIC and other potential new library-type partners. At the meeting to round-up the productive week, Maria Ng said with a broad smile, "The PAN gotong royong spirit is alive and well!".
2 Februari 2002
International Development Research Centre yang berpusat di Kanada, pada
tanggal 26-27 Desember 2001 telah mengadakan wawancara dengan Principal
Investigator penelitian IndonesiaDLN dan Tim KMRG. Wawancara ini untuk
mempublikasikan pengalaman project yang didanai oleh IDRC (dan YLTI)
mem-bang-un digital library dan mendorong pembentukan komunitas IndonesiaDLN, khususnya setelah
mendapat penghargaan dari ASIST. Laporan wawancara yang dibuat oleh
Mr. Chin Saik Yoon dari Southbond Penang ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan
reputasi IndonesiaDLN di tingkat Internasional serta meningkatkan semangat
kita untuk terus maju dalam mengem bang kan digital library di Indonesia.
1 Februari 2002
Setelah berjalan selama dua tahun lebih, IndonesiaDLN kini akan melangkah
ke babak baru. Yaitu pembentukan sebuah konsorsium yang lebih dapat
diharapkan untuk mendorong pengem bang'an digital library dan sharing
pengetahuan di Indonesia. Mengapa perlu dibentuk konsorsium, apa
programnya, bagaimana model organisasinya, dan bagaimana keanggotaannya?
Silahkan baca proposal yang diajukan oleh Sekjen IndonesiaDLN dan berikan
komentar anda.
© 2001-2003Knowledge
Management Research Group ITB. GPL Lincense. This work was carried out with the grant from Pan-Asia/IDRC and YLTI. |